Retailing Management | 9th Edition

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789354601071
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 670
  • LANGUAGE: English

Retailing Management | 9th Edition

Rs. 690.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 670 PAGES

The ninth edition of Retailing Management builds on the basic philosophy reflected in the previous eight editions. The text continues to focus on key strategic issues with an emphasis on financial considerations and implementation through merchandise and store management. These strategic and more tactical issues are examined for a broad spectrum of retailers, both large and small, domestic and international, selling merchandise and services. The book is centered around the strategic framework presented in Ch 1. Also, the text explores in depth the resources retailers use to develop sustainable competitive advantage. Also, this edition captures the latest technological interventions that are shaping the retail industry globally. Already established as an increasingly popular textbook on the subject area, Retailing Management, 9 e continues to take the legacy forward with recent updates. This edition will include: 1. Big data and analytical methods in retailing 2. Focus on how retailers are using social media to provide information and build relationships with customers 3. Introduction of mobile channel as part of a multichannel offering 4. Greater emphasis on global nature of the retailing industry 5. 11 new cases across the chapters 6. Focus on strategy, financial analysis, and implementation of retail strategy 7. Host of pedagogical features including Learning Objectives, Retailing Views, Executive Briefings, Get Out and Do It, etc. 8. Large array of supplementary resources including Instructors Manual, PPTs, Testbank, etc

The ninth edition of Retailing Management builds on the basic philosophy reflected in the previous eight editions. The text continues to focus on key strategic issues with an emphasis on financial considerations and implementation through merchandise and store management.
ese strategic and more tactical issues are examined for a broad spectrum of retailers, both large and small, domestic and international, selling merchandise and services. The book is centered around the strategic framework presented in Ch 1. Also, the text explores in depth the resources retailers use to develop sustainable competitive advantage. Also, this edition captures the latest technological interventions that are shaping the retail industry globally. Already established as an increasingly popular textbook on the subject area, Retailing Management, 9 e continues to take the legacy forward with recent updates. This edition will include: 1. Big data and analytical methods in retailing 2. Focus on how retailers are using social media to provide information and build relationships with customers 3. Introduction of mobile channel as part of a multichannel offering 4. Greater emphasis on global nature of the retailing industry 5. 11 new cases across the chapters 6. Focus on strategy, financial analysis, and implementation of retail strategy 7. Host of pedagogical features including Learning Objectives, Retailing Views, Executive Briefings, Get Out and Do It, etc. 8. Large array of supplementary resources including Instructors Manual, PPTs, Testbank,
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789354601071
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9789354601071
  • PAGES: 670
  • LANGUAGE: English

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